About FM Fitness
Being completely transparent and telling you exactly how it is when you need it. No fluff so you know what you need to focus on most.
Never being afraid of a challenge and being strong. Showing yourself and everyone else what you can achieve. Strong in mind and in body.
We’re in this together and I care about getting the results you want. Bringing excellence to everything do. Respect the journey we are on. Show up, be on time and give your best.
Having elements of being competitive with yourself. Aiming to be that 1% better than you was yesterday.
Nothing complicated, everything necessary! Making sure that I am meeting you where you are with doses of what is required so you feel safe and enjoying the process.
Everybody's living their own life. Thats why I value flexibility with training and nutrition. Training should and can always fit into eveyones’s lifestyle when we want it to.